Additional Clarification:
In the world of bodies this manifests as cycles throughout specific separate variations of characteristics and motivations (“frequencies”). Each cycle confronts resistances in the particular area. As a cycle rotates it will seem like similar if not the exact same issues arise in one’s life, till the consciousness perceiving it no longer possesses or gives validity to the previous resistance present. These cycles can vary in length according to the resistances present which would maintain focus on particular characteristics and motivations for a longer or shorter period of time. [For those on a clear Solo-rotation surrendering resistances naturally rotate in a daily seven day cycle, often with a 4-10 day purge period every 49 days. For those on a clear Luna-cycle surrendering resistance rotate through the seven frequencies in four days, with a 2-7 day purge period every 28 days. Because of resistance there are those who vary between the two, or avoid either for long periods of time.] A purge period is an opportunity to surrender the previous resistances with greater ease, as one focuses on their progression with forgiveness while facing each frequency again. A resistance can seem to be in any form where one finds it important to NOT be flexible, allowing or open-minded in that current situation (corresponding directly with the frequency the resistance is held) usually subconsciously applying some form of tactical avoidance from facing what the situation arises in them. A tactical avoidance usually involves [seeming justifiably] blaming others for having the reason (motive) of their actions and not recognizing them being an effect of the cause within the authority of their being. Transformation from forgiveness only begins with responsibility for the occurrence. Often this blame is in the form of supporting one in removing their blocks, forgetting that all effects are shared with the cause.
Each frequency offers a variations of perspectives on reality, which consciousness has developed a craving or aversion to, developing distinct personality traits where predictively it operates out of reactions associated to the sensory perceptions they believe they experience. While these seem like obstacles, they are the Truth of “God” distorted by the choices of this consciousness. Forgiveness is the training to experience beyond the current dimensional perspective. The journey of ascension is the learning forgiveness.
The levels of Interpretations:
On “Forgivness”
1. Leniency / Pardon sins
As one begins the journey of forgiveness, there is a dominant association to their person being apart and separate from other persons. They have a seeming distinct consciousness that differs from the other’s will, which made choices to perform actions they insist they would never perform themselves. Which almost always insists the other must at least apologize.
Within this perspective “forgiveness” would be offering a leniency on punishment one previously required for a balance of justice regarding the actions committed. While noble, It insists that one is responsible for there actions and is not an effect, caused by the authority creating the existence. This leniency offered suggest the responsibility for the actions committed are strictly of those physically performing then and the victims or observers have no responsibility on the motives within the will of the performer.
When this appears to be true in your situation, these pardons and leniencies are acceptable choices to eventually expand beyond them. However, the occurrence will seem to repeat often in many forms, for the release through forgiveness of the beliefs in the occurrence was yet completed.
2. Release / coping
When one has offered a leniency for the “others” actions and still feels a pain, frustration or shame within themselves about what has occurred, often the form forgiveness begins to take enters a recognition that it must also be applied within themselves. There is a distinct belief that what has occurred was indeed bad and they can not live with the fact that it indeed happened.
Within this perspective, “forgiveness” would be a recognition that one’s life and feelings were not actually manipulated by the occurrence of the actions performed. But they were actually manipulated by the beliefs within themselves regarding the actions that [it insists] to have been performed by an independent source outside of themselves. Therefore forgiveness takes the form of accepting that what occurred indeed had a reason beyond their current understanding. Feeling a palpable sensation of relief from the previous pain felt.
Often when this is experienced there is a recognition of a power beyond their own, establishing a faith in the process of their life. However, this process seems to be a repetitive occurrence while one has yet to completely surrender to it.
3. Surrender / let go control
As one has accepted that there is a purpose to the occurrence, beyond their understanding, forgiveness is practiced in the form of surrendering, not only the occurrence but their whole life to the higher power they believe in control. Admitting that they now believe there has been a presence in their lives that they can not entirely explain.
Within this perspective forgiveness often takes the form of a passive surrender to life as it seems to be designed by this higher power. While often one still disagrees with the resulting condition, they are willing to give up their understanding of it for one that agrees with the design and it’s creation. Weather applied to actions or conditions of one’s experience, it is a complete acceptance of the circumstance which no longer seeks a resolution.
Even while this forgiveness often establishes a form of peace, it still seems to be experienced as a decision fighting off a sensation of internal suffering and frustration which will be present every time they believe they are counteracting it with this acceptance. While acceptable and needed, this only remains while the surrender is only with external occurrences and not the internal.
4. Internal acceptance / Alterations of physical construct
While one has continued to surrender the direction of their life to their higher power, they soon recognize that they usually have only applied it to everything outside of the perspective of their person and start to realize a need to also apply it to the way they feel within themselves. There remains a recognition of their mind still having distinct pleasant thoughts and distinct vengeful thoughts, yet they have reached a level of mastery of choosing which they will suppress and which they will express.
Within this perspective forgiveness takes the form of acceptance of everything they think their thoughts are. While one of the most challenging discoveries, one must have the willingness to recognize everything they have believed could potentially be a lie they have told themselves. An acceptance that can not be done without personal authenticity. For what is to be accepted it usually hidden behind the constructs they have designed their person to live by. So what they learn to surrender is that mastery of suppression,understanding that they too have been designed with purpose beyond their understanding.
This form of forgiveness offers a real sensation of liberation and is often accompanied by physical alterations to the person’s condition and the quality of the existences they seem to have. However, there is often a struggle with with expression while they still perceive a difference in results and outcomes resulting from the expression of all their thoughts while they still believe they know who they should become is different then who they are.
5. Transformation / Weakness to strength
As one has practiced accepting every side of themselves they soon recognize that what they have come to accept in what they have previously suppressed, have a strength they where afraid of. Therefore they begin to confront the fact that what they fear most is that they are actually evil and have been lost and may never find salvation.
Within this perspective forgiveness takes the form of accepting the seeming inevitable. They start to realize they must embrace that side they have denied, and while at first it usually is in an excess, their previous weaknesses become their strengths as they transform suppression to expression.
With this forgiveness does one usually recognize a sense of happiness that no longer relies on the condition of circumstances. However, it usually is accompanied by a sense of superiority as they remain to see others choosing weaknesses and littleness and have yet to forgive the ability to judge others position or condition.
6. Recognition beyond judgment
When one has made this forgiveness an essential practice in their lives, they start to realize that forgiveness is not only regarding actions or thoughts within or external to anyone’s position or abilities. But that they personally believe they can judge a difference in their condition. Recognizing that the only things they have ever been forgiving were their thoughts of differences and the projection of those thoughts onto others and even what they call themselves.
While in this perspective forgiveness takes the form of a decision to see that there actually are no differences. A recognition that everyone is the same, and what they do is always innocent and can no longer discern if the actions are good or bad. They experience what was previously a suffering from resistance as a pleasant experience. Everything they despised is now loved as anything they have always enjoyed.
This forgiveness instills a joy that many retract from only because they have forgotten how to discern if they are joyous or not. This can often result in a purging of reckless and vengeful beliefs into actions, which they willingly perform as they would any other innocent actions. Accompanying this form of forgiveness is an array of miraculous works for they can no long recognize a different between their actions and “God”s. However, this way of living is a narrow path and can not last for it must either digress back into resentments or progress beyond all form construct.
7. Recognition beyond form
While one continues to choose forgiveness beyond judgments they start to recognize the disappearance of the ability to discern the differences of objects or persons, and it starts to become a relationship of the entire essence of the universe and the awareness of it which it is.
Within this perspective forgiveness takes the form of a complete surrender of the ability to discern in anyway at all. Recognizing they can no longer define who they are nor what anything else is or if there is any difference at all.
This form of forgiveness ascends this physical perspective of reality and enters into a transparent and illuminated version of the same “world”, where the one essence recognizes only itself and continues to choose it as its eternal existence.