Additional Clarification:
Of course many would insist that atheism can not also believe in any type of creator and still be atheism. As if it is required to isolate one’s self from all other existence and maintain a specific arena of separation in order to be truly “atheist”. Therefore while they may recognize other galaxies, by definition an atheist is not allowed to believe in any other form of the alternate universes, timelines, or dimensions which they do not know all the facts about, or they would no longer be an atheist but an agnostic. An “agnostic” is someone who humbly recognizes there is more in existence then they know and understand, and they currently perceive to have no evidence to support the presence of a creator or not. The “atheist” insists they know, having a “faith” only in their sensory perceptions and therefore close-minded to anything beyond them, which can not be true or even possible and more likely a product of mental disorders.
Science is the organized study of the observable or detectable physical elements or various combinations of them. Which provides a method to come to a proper conclusion after vigorous study of organized experimentation. While this study is limited to the detectable, it can only go as far as what the observer and their devices are capable of observing. While it does continue to advance, thanks to itself, it’s other limitations are perceptual. Funding does not go to experimentation where the scientists or benefactor do not believe in the success of their hypothesis. Therefore, until the devices are capable of measuring beyond what they believe possible, the scientist will never be capable of observing beyond them. Hence, if the experiment reveals something beyond their sensory perceptions, they are not capable of recognizing them. However, when an honest scientist recognizes an odd occurrence within their experiments they develop additional hypothesis leading to greater depths of experimentation to discover the sources of the unexplained occurrence, which advances the technology and devices for greater depth of observation. If scientists remain open-minded and diligent, they will continue observation advancements to eventually observe beyond physical elements, and obtain evidence beyond the physical dimensions.
While Atheists often claim science they usually do not claim experimentation. A Scientist attempts to understand, recognizing they do not know and desire to do so, actually distinguishing them as agnostic. No one can be an honest scientist if they do not admit that there are things they do not know. It would definitely be contradictory to claim to know the truth while also studying to find out if it is indeed the truth. The Atheist is actually an aspect of the physical development, a fully immersed experience which does require some form of close-mindedness to everything outside of its sensory observations. In order to have a completely believable experience as “physical persons” there must not be any agreement among them of alternate realities. As it is designed, the laws of the physical construct enforce agreements to strictly physical content as the only justification of factuality.
While alternate dimensions are available to experience right now, the sensory perceptions are designed to filter out the majority of them and isolate perception to this specific physical dimension with only minor residual experiences. As one does focus and expand their experiences of the adjacent dimensions, their sensory perceptions experience various forms of overload. When untrained, this can be uncomfortable and incomprehensible to the observer. Because of this discomfort and the lack of agreement from others, they usually retract back into the limitations of the isolated perspective of persons. Atheism is the physical construct, even as the belief system, eyes are made not to see any other dimension. Ears, skin, and noses are designed to reject alternate realities and insist to translate all they experience into the physical form they are designed to reinforce. If one is not diligent and determined to experience beyond the sensory perception they are fully justified in believing they are an isolated individual. However even while designed to do so, to insist it is all there is, is ignorance.
Because of what this world was designed for, only one who actually believes, strives for, and achieves in thinking the way of an alternate reality, are the only ones who will recognize it. By placing the limitation onto the experiencer they will eventually overcome them, including the limitations of physical perspective. For what you are as unlimited, it is inevitable that one eventually recognize themselves under every form of different dimensional limitations. As a journey of discovery, the only dimension without any limitations is that of “God”.
“It is not someone’s fault that they do not believe, it would be “God” who has not revealed itself to them, who would be at fault.” - Rev. Devan Jesse Byrne
Levels of Interpretation:
(Coming Soon)