A simple form of measurement whose advice exists in every major religion, deemed “golden” due to its influential value on society and in our interpersonal relationships. On its surface the concept will always seem simple, however the surface which you see determines the depth you will apply it. The concept is regarding allowing your actions to reflect the actions you would prefer for others to use in treating you.
“To do unto others as you would have done unto yourself.”
A helpful directive to lean on when we find it hard to know what it is we should do. Easily we believe this to reside only on our actions and many of us do not realize the significance of why it is such an influential practice. Because of the actual nature of the universe being a spectacular form of reflection, this concept is a literal key to reforming our lives in the way we desire for it to be. While this reflection does seem complex, to simply apply this rule to our lives would be enough. This is an object of training ourselves with whatever we currently see as important. If we learn to process our actions through the recognition that we will always receive back what we give, we will soon realize that we are not simply a being among others in the universe, but that actually are the universe being the development of beings. And you are a part of it because you are capable of evolving on this development. You are who you are today so that you can bring about the necessary change to expand humanity. However this barometer can always be in place to determine whether you’re progressing in evolutionarily development or digressing into primal neglect. Regardless of your religion and upbringing there has always been statements in your life referencing that you get in return what you give to the world.
“You get what you give.”
And these statements are actually hints from the spiritual universe hoping you'll recognize what it is that it does. It is designed to strictly represent what you already believe and motivate you to expand upon it. So it has been referencing this in many ways.
“What goes around, comes around.”
As there has been many ways to say it they are all based on this principle that emphasizes the mystical reality to what you know of as the world. It seems almost natural to believe that everyone is completely independent from each other, with no account for connection or inspiration for guidance from this spiritual universe. however tempting this is a place of learning and if you want change you have to learn to change. You have to accept the lesson of becoming that change
“Be the change you wish to see in the world“
And regardless of how they have become cliché in the world you are never actually talking to and dealing with other people, you are dealing with this Wholly Spiritual Universe and it is only showing you what you currently have chosen to be your reality. If you do not become what the reality is to be it will not have any thing to follow, it only follows you and if you remain the same you will receive the same. You are put on the same standard that you put others on. I know you assume that it is society's standard but it is only that way because it was your standard.
“Judge and be Judged”
You will become what you fight against, and your world will explain a plethora of duplications of it while you still insist that it is out here that needs to change. It is the Wholly Spiritual Universe showing you what it is you need to learn. As soon as you become aware of it you are able to recognize responsibility for it.
“One reaps what they sow.”
As much as we want it to be separate from us, that we had nothing to do with it, and that everybody’s responsible for their own lives. It doesn’t change the fact of how reality is attempting to teach you and show you how to reveal itself to you. We can only see and comprehend what we have already learned in our minds, and then grow by combining what we have learned and expanding on them in different ways. How we work with others is the same process, you cannot see someone and their actions without already knowing and understanding what it is that they are.
"It takes one to no one."
So please recognize that this is not only a principle of how to have good relations with others, even while that is true this is an important principle of summarizing several constants of the universe and how your relation with the universe is taking you on an evolutionarily expansive journey. You are where you are because you can handle it, And you have learned the lessons to get to this point. Keep following the desire to expand and grow and you will succeed in what the universe has designed you to fulfill.
Therefore let it be said;
"When you live in service of one another,
You are in serves of your True Self."