Additional Clarification:
Within the physical perspective of our seeming individual separated perspectives, there are a multitude of assumptions on what an illusion is. Each of them recognize that the definition of an illusion is something that doesn’t exist or does something contradictory to the reality currently experienced. When we first discover this concept we usually experience “magic-tricks” which play on perspective and make it seem as if something occurred that was previously thought as impossible, right before their eyes. While an illusionist practices this art of developing illusionary experiences, if the world is an illusion then it’s creator would be an illusionist. While this would seem to be “misleading” it is better understood as a distortion, a change of itself to make it seem as if it is something it is not. On the spiritual journey, there is often an association to there being some kind of illusion which motivates the discoveries necessary on fulfilling their journey.
Every experience that is any degree of percentage less than the totality of the 100% knowledge of what “God“ is, is an illusion. Every dimension, every person, every experience. However, every part of them is the truth, but only in part. The only truth that does not contain illusions is the wholeness of all truth, every dimension is a variation and combinations of illusions. It is required that you experience a separation of this wholeness in order to have experiences at all. There is no perception in complete light, there must be divisions of shadow and frequencies to make colors and shapes. Therefore all variations of perception consists of illusions. Every sensory perception is different forms of translations of the reality that is there, to make it seem as if it is a form of physicality or any other dimension.
All awareness of realities, never leave the translation of the mind which perceives it. Therefore our perceptions are not of things on the outside, but a heard distortion of what would be on the inside, which is actually the wholeness of what life is. The truth that is occurring adheres to Laws which make it possible to perceive any reality that mind desires to experience. Then any and every experience which occurs is from the division of the wholeness of what it already is.
The levels of Interpretations:
On “illusions”
1. Illusions are of the mystical things
Often referred to as lies or deception, those still obsessed with physical perspective often refer to communication with god or non-corporal beings as illusionary, silly or psychopathic. - Completely unaware that the fear they feel of there being a evil influencer is actually the illusion manipulating their decisions.
2. Illusions are phycological
Because of a dominant belief in separate bodies, the concept of illusions is usually understood as something that occurs within an individuals mind among other persons who have their own illusions in their separate individual mind. - Completely unaware that the illusion of their isolation has controlled most of their decisions in life. Craving companionship while raged at others free will against their desires.
3. Illusions give power/makes change
Often obvious when excessive, many interpret the concept of power as illusionary. While politically it seems acceptable, the “imaginary” ideas of superhuman abilities, or even miracles are illusions. Believing words and other variations of communication have power in themselves - Completely unaware that while to control others is intrusive, the illusion of others authority has distorted their choices in life, believing everything in a battle or competition.
4. Illusions are Emotions
When learning of spirituality and still attempting to discern what opposition is, one usually recognizes there is a positive approach to life and there is a negative. Often confused with the ideas of a loving feeling or “emotion” and a fearful one. They have insured to have chosen which is the illusion in favor of what is holier, more righteous, or enjoyable. - Completely unaware that the illusion of oppositions has driven their interpretation, constructed by their previous pains and pleasures they wish to avoid or relive.
5. Illusions are lustful
While one practices being spiritual, they often imagine the greatest depth it could be. Often bringing them through a long stage of believing all cravings and aversions are illusions of the mind. Desiring something different or more then life is currently offering is a distraction and misleading. Believing life as it is is the only thing not illusionary. - Completely unaware that the life they live is a illusion of the constructs they had previously developed in the mind they continue to perceive with.
6. Illusions are physical
When one starts to have firsthand experience outside time & space they start to recognize that the physical world and bodies are the illusions. A distortion of the mind, shaping the wholly spiritual universe that is actually there. Making sensory perceptions which translate energy into physical construct. - Completely unaware that the occurrence of distortion can only occur by illusion itself, a rapid cycle of cause and effect. Eliminating its own self as an illusion.
7. Illusions do not exist
Achieving a state of awareness beyond time & space, recognizes that all interpretation error and concepts of illusions do not exist. That what is actually there, is actually there and was never distorted. The illusion is all concepts diverting from what to them is obvious and has nothing to do with corporeal construct, which to them does not exist. - Completely unaware that “others” insist they are separate from them, driven by the illusion of a reality they do not know is impossible.